I always wish I could write everything down that I did with my kids that day! I do have a Mommy journal that I try to write in every night, but wanted to create a journal for Jackson. So this is what I came up with.
The idea evolved during our Daddy discussion at dinner time. We always sit down and tell Daddy about our day (I feel this is a very important life skill, family moment and will eventually tie into comprehension for reading)
At first, our journal was called "Daily News for Daddy". And the first weeks, we really tried to sit down every afternoon before he got home and write in it, but...well....life happened!
Daily journal writing is great for older kids (kindergarten and up) but no some much for my 3 year old! ***Keep in mind that a child's attention span is usually their age! So Jackson's focus is at it's prime for about 3 minutes, then it's on to something else!***
So now we journal whenever Jackson would like to write and/or aim for a monthly entry. My goal and plan is to laminate (of course) one entry from each month and create a 12 page Big Book for Jackson of our writing.
If this is something that you might like to do, here's how to get started:
All you need is chart paper (purchase at a teacher supply store) or even larger construction paper works also. Grab some markers and some round smiley face stickers.
Why Markers? I don't know about your house, but markers are a BIG deal and when you get to use them, it's such a treat!
Why smiley face stickers? This is a great way to introduce punctuation. Once our sentence is complete, Jackson gets to stick the "period" at the end. A sticker really "sticks out" much more than a dot with a marker!
I always start with asking Jackson what he would like to write about! Then I shorten those words into about a 4-5 words sentence. We count as a say each word to see how many words will be in our sentence. Ex:Today is Kaya's birthday. (counting on your fingers...Today(1) is(2) Kaya's(3) birthday(4). I write it, he watches, then we draw a picture about the sentence. And last we add the date.
OR we create a story as we illustrate. Jackson is in charge and I just ask simple questions about what he is drawing and why.
This was a story that Jackson made up as we illustrated. It was about Jackson and his Nana walking through the zoo, in the rain, to see a hippo! Cute, huh?
OR we make a simple list!
Valentine list - Worked on checks/marking off names as we completed their valentines (green marker) |
Our trip to Texas to see Mema list - used it as we packed |
This was the month we were learning about Penguins and the Letter/Sound P. Yep...did all these "p" things in one, fun day! Then I wrote it out and Jackson went back and circled the words that began with the letter p, which took him about 2 seconds and made me very proud!
Circled the letter "Pp" in each word |
So many great skills have been taught using this simple idea. Nothing makes me happier when Jackson pulls his journal out and actually "reads" it! Because he created it (with a little bit of help), he is excited about it! And that's all that matters!
Happy Learning, Little Ones!