I've been reflecting ALOT! (I do my best reflecting in the shower like every mom seems to)
I love looking back at our road schooling trip. It makes my heart flutter when I think back! That was an epic family moment of sweet memories that we will forever hold in our hearts. We connected more than EVER as husband and wife, parent to son...as a family! Life was simple "up there". And it seems to be easier to connect when things are simple.
After a month of bliss, we returned to LIFE. Going here and there and everywhere! I started to slowly disconnect from that simplicity. I started to not find time to sit down and listen to my kids play (or fight depending on the day) like I did EVERY afternoon on the porch in Colorado. I was quickly losing these moments because LIFE was back. (And laundry!)
I made a promise to myself upon our return. I was going to try to maintain simplicity back in real LIFE... God clearly heard a sweet prayer that I sent up one evening in November. God knew that this momma was hungry for connecting with my boys again. And he knew that I needed to reflect in a place other than the shower! LOL
And this is how he answered that sweet prayer...
I had seen a post regarding a
Wild and Free conference in Wimberley Texas...HOLY CRAP! That's only 45 minutes away...on a ranch...all about being a mom and homeschooling!
I was so in, but just needed a ticket (and maybe 1 more for a sweet momma friend) I said a quick sweet prayer and left it at that ...
The happy ending to this story is that WE both ended up getting tickets and off we went, BIG Texas-sized truck and all!
This is a member of "my tribe"and awesome homeschooling momma of 3 boys! |
We heard from a hand-selected bunch of Wild and Free Mommas that inspired me to the fullest!
I was blown away.
And we got RC Cola's delivered by donkeys! Texas fo'sure! |
They spoke boldly about being comfortable with who YOU are as a Mom and a Homeschooler. They shared stories with us that made us laugh and cry. But most importantly, they made us reflect!
So I came home, ready, to become to explore a new homeschooling style.
We have read more, together!
We have explored more, together!
We have learned to slow down and enjoy...more...together!
If you look back, throughout my blogs, you can clearly see the evolution of our homeschool. I'm not ashamed of anything that I've done. I am just amazed at the journey it's been...and it's not over yet!