Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Easy-peazee Perimeter!

We've been learning about units of measurement for about a month now.  Using inches, centimeters and a good ole fashion yard stick!  Here's a few pics from that last month is you missed them on Facebook.

We chalked out our family on the fence, then measured using inches.

Measuring with shoes from one room to another

using yarn to measure rocks

measuring GIANT bugs that we found on an evening walk

I knew he need to understand 2 math skills before I taught him this one.  
*Does he get measurement?  YEP!  After a month of fun-hands on learning and a quick pen and paper assessment, he gets it!
*Does he understand how to add using more than one addend?  YEP!  He does this nightly with Daddy during their Math time. I gave hime 2 cans of playdough for "snake making", showed him exactly how I wanted him to measure and label each snake and gave him a few minutes to complete it.  This is what that looked like:
I was ease-dropping and LOVED hearing his imaginative play shine through when he was making his snakes.

Perfect!  Just the way it needed to be to set up for the next step of this lesson!

From there, I showed J how we can take these "snakes" and form them into shapes.   We made the larger triangle on the left and I left him to do the others.

From here, we simply added up the sides
 And checked our answer by laying them out on the ruler.

What J did with this math problem was added 2 inches +2 inches in his head to get 4 inches; then added the 1 inch side to get his grand total of 5 inches.

Simple and fun way to learn!  This hands-on lesson took about 20 minutes all together.

I'm looking forward to our next few weeks of learning about perimeter! 
I'll keep you posted:0)
I post there daily with quick lil learner moments.
I'm posting our video summary for this lesson on Facebook!

Happy Learning with your Lil Ones

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